6. Tropical Cyclone Configuration Options

See Section 5 for a description of the configuration file syntax.

6.1. Configuration Settings Common to Multiple Tools

6.1.1. storm_id

Specify a comma-separated list of storm id’s to be used:

2-letter basin, 2-digit cyclone number, 4-digit year

An empty list indicates that all should be used.

For example:

storm_id = [ “AL092011” ];

This may also be set using basin, cyclone, and timing information below.

storm_id = [];

6.1.2. basin

Specify a comma-separated list of basins to be used. Expected format is a 2-letter basin identifier. An empty list indicates that all should be used.

Valid basins: “WP”, “IO”, “SH”, “CP”, “EP”, “AL”, “SL”

For example:

basin = [ “AL”, “EP” ];

basin = [];

6.1.3. cyclone

Specify a comma-separated list of cyclone numbers (01-99) to be used. An empty list indicates that all should be used.

For example:

cyclone = [ “01”, “02”, “03” ];

cyclone = [];

6.1.4. storm_name

Specify a comma-separated list of storm names to be used. An empty list indicates that all should be used.

For example:

storm_name = [ “KATRINA” ];

storm_name = [];

6.1.5. init_beg end inc exc

Specify a model initialization time window in YYYYMMDD[_HH[MMSS]] format or provide a list of specific initialization times to include (inc) or exclude (exc). Tracks whose initial time meets the specified criteria will be used. An empty string indicates that all times should be used.

In TC-Stat, the -init_beg, -init_end, init_inc and -int_exc job command options can be used to further refine these selections.

For example:

init_beg = “20100101”;
init_end = “20101231”;
init_inc = [ “20101231_06” ];
init_exc = [ “20101231_00” ];

init_beg = "";
init_end = "";
init_inc = [];
init_exc = [];

6.1.6. valid_beg end inc exc

Specify a model valid time window in YYYYMMDD[_HH[MMSS]] format or provide a list of specific valid times to include (inc) or exclude (exc). If a time window is specified, only tracks for which all points are contained within the window will be used. If valid times to include or exclude are specified, tracks will be subset down to the points which meet that criteria. Empty begin/end time strings and empty include/exclude lists indicate that all valid times should be used.

In TC-Stat, the -valid_beg, -valid_end, valid_inc and -valid_exc job command options can be used to further refine these selections.

For example:

valid_beg = “20100101”;
valid_end = “20101231_12”;
valid_inc = [ “20101231_06” ];
valid_exc = [ “20101231_00” ];

valid_beg = "";
valid_end = "";
valid_inc = [];
valid_exc = [];

6.1.7. init_hour

Specify a comma-separated list of model initialization hours to be used in HH[MMSS] format. An empty list indicates that all hours should be used.

For example:

init_hour = [ “00”, “06”, “12”, “18” ];

init_hour = [];

6.1.8. lead_req

Specify the required lead time in HH[MMSS] format. Tracks that contain all of these required times will be used. If a track has additional lead times, it will be retained. An empty list indicates that no lead times are required to determine which tracks are to be used; all lead times will be used.

lead_req  = [];

6.1.9. version

Indicate the version number for the contents of this configuration file. The value should generally not be modified.

version = "VN.N";

6.2. Settings Specific to Individual Tools

6.2.1. TCPairsConfig_default model

The “model” entry specifies an array of model names to be verified. If verifying multiple models, choose descriptive model names (no whitespace) to distinguish between their output.

For example:

model = [ “AHW4”, “AHWI” ];

model  = []; init_mask, valid_mask

Specify lat/lon polylines defining masking regions to be applied. Tracks whose initial location falls within init_mask will be used. Tracks for which all locations fall within valid_mask will be used.

For example:

init_mask = “MET_BASE/poly/EAST.poly”;

init_mask  = "";
valid_mask = ""; check_dup

Specify whether the code should check for duplicate ATCF lines when building tracks. Setting this to FALSE makes the parsing of tracks quicker.

For example:

check_dup = FALSE;

check_dup = FALSE; interp12

Specify whether special processing should be performed for interpolated model names ending in ‘I’ (e.g. AHWI). Search for corresponding tracks whose model name ends in ‘2’ (e.g. AHW2) and apply the following logic:

  • NONE to do nothing.

  • FILL to create a copy of ‘2’ track and rename it as ‘I’ only when the ‘I’ track does not already exist.

  • REPLACE to create a copy of the ‘2’ track and rename it as ‘I’ in all cases, replacing any ‘I’ tracks that may already exist.

interp12 = REPLACE; consensus

Specify how consensus forecasts should be defined:

name = consensus model name
members = array of consensus member model names
required = array of TRUE/FALSE for each member if empty, default is FALSE
min_req = minimum number of members required for the consensus

For example:

consensus = [
name = “CON1”;
members = [ “MOD1”, “MOD2”, “MOD3” ];
required = [ TRUE, FALSE, FALSE ];
min_req = 2;

consensus = []; lag_time

Specify a comma-separated list of forecast lag times to be used in HH[MMSS] format. For each ADECK track identified, a lagged track will be derived for each entry listed.

For example:

lag_time = [ “06”, “12” ];

lag_time = []; best

Specify comma-separated lists of CLIPER/SHIFOR baseline forecasts to be derived from the BEST and operational tracks, as defined by the best_technique and oper_technique settings.

Derived from BEST tracks:
Derived from OPER tracks:

For example:

best_technique = [ “BEST” ];

best_technique = [ "BEST" ];
best_baseline  = [];
oper_technique = [ "CARQ" ];
oper_baseline  = []; anly_track

Analysis tracks consist of multiple track points with a lead time of zero for the same storm. An analysis track may be generated by running model analysis fields through a tracking algorithm. Specify which datasets should be searched for analysis track data by setting this to NONE, ADECK, BDECK, or BOTH. Use BOTH to create pairs using two different analysis tracks.

For example:

anly_track = BDECK;

anly_track = BDECK; match_points

Specify whether only those track points common to both the ADECK and BDECK tracks should be written out.

For example:

match_points = FALSE;

match_points = FALSE; dland_file

Specify the NetCDF output of the gen_dland tool containing a gridded representation of the minimum distance to land.

dland_file = "MET_BASE/tc_data/dland_nw_hem_tenth_degree.nc"; watch_warn

Specify watch/warning information. Specify an ASCII file containing watch/warning information to be used. At each track point, the most severe watch/warning status in effect, if any, will be written to the output. Also specify a time offset in seconds to be added to each watch/warning time processed. NHC applies watch/warning information to all track points occurring 4 hours (-14400 second) prior to the watch/warning time.

watch_warn = {
   file_name   = "MET_BASE/tc_data/wwpts_us.txt";
   time_offset = -14400;
} basin_map

The basin_map entry defines a mapping of input names to output values. Whenever the basin string matches “key” in the input ATCF files, it is replaced with “val”. This map can be used to modify basin names to make them consistent across the ATCF input files.

Many global modeling centers use ATCF basin identifiers based on region (e.g., “SP” for South Pacific Ocean, etc.), however the best track data provided by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) use just one basin identifier “SH” for all of the Southern Hemisphere basins. Additionally, some modeling centers may report basin identifiers separately for the Bay of Bengal (BB) and Arabian Sea (AB) whereas JTWC uses “IO”.

The basin mapping allows MET to map the basin identifiers to the expected values without having to modify your data. For example, the first entry in the list below indicates that any data entries for “SI” will be matched as if they were “SH”. In this manner, all verification results for the Southern Hemisphere basins will be reported together as one basin.

An empty list indicates that no basin mapping should be used. Use this if you are not using JTWC best tracks and you would like to match explicitly by basin or sub-basin. Note that if your model data and best track do not use the same basin identifier conventions, using an empty list for this parameter will result in missed matches.

basin_map = [
   { key = "SI"; val = "SH"; },
   { key = "SP"; val = "SH"; },
   { key = "AU"; val = "SH"; },
   { key = "AB"; val = "IO"; },
   { key = "BB"; val = "IO"; }

6.2.2. TCStatConfig_default amodel, bmodel

Stratify by the AMODEL or BMODEL columns. Specify comma-separated lists of model names to be used for all analyses performed. May add to this list using the “-amodel” and “-bmodel” job command options.

For example:

amodel = [ “AHW4” ];
bmodel = [ “BEST” ];

amodel = [];
bmodel = []; init valid_hour lead req

Stratify by the initialization and valid hours and lead time. Specify a comma-separated list of initialization hours, valid hours, and lead times in HH[MMSS] format. May add using the “-init_hour”, “-valid_hour”, “-lead”, and “-lead_req” job command options.

For example:

init_hour = [ “00” ];
valid_hour = [ “12” ];
lead = [ “24”, “36” ];
lead_req = [ “72”, “84”, “96”, “108” ];

init_hour  = [];
valid_hour = [];
lead       = [];
lead_req   = []; init_mask, valid_mask

Stratify by the contents of the INIT_MASK and VALID_MASK columns. Specify a comma-separated list of strings for these options. May add using the “-init_mask” and “-valid_mask” job command options.

For example:

init_mask = [ “AL_BASIN”, “EP_BASIN” ];

init_mask  = [];
valid_mask = []; line_type

Stratify by the LINE_TYPE column. May add using the “-line_type” job command option.

For example:

line_type = [ “TCMPR” ];

line_type = []; track_watch_warn

Stratify by checking the watch/warning status for each track point common to both the ADECK and BDECK tracks. If the watch/warning status of any of the track points appears in the list, retain the entire track. Individual watch/warning status by point may be specified using the -column_str options below, but this option filters by the track maximum. May add using the “-track_watch_warn” job command option. The value “ALL” matches HUWARN, TSWARN, HUWATCH, and TSWATCH.

For example:

track_watch_warn = [ “HUWATCH”, “HUWARN” ];

track_watch_warn = []; column_thresh_name_and_val

Stratify by applying thresholds to numeric data columns. Specify a comma-separated list of columns names and thresholds to be applied. May add using the “-column_thresh name thresh” job command options.

For example:

column_thresh_name = [ “ADLAND”, “BDLAND” ];
column_thresh_val = [ >200, >200 ];

column_thresh_name = [];
column_thresh_val  = []; column_str_name, column_str_val

Stratify by performing string matching on non-numeric data columns. Specify a comma-separated list of columns names and values to be included in the analysis. May add using the “-column_str name string” job command options.

For example:

column_str_name = [ “LEVEL”, “LEVEL” ];
column_str_val = [ “HU”, “TS” ];

column_str_name = [];
column_str_val  = []; column_str_name val

Stratify by performing string matching on non-numeric data columns. Specify a comma-separated list of columns names and values to be excluded from the analysis. May add using the “-column_str_exc name string” job command options.

For example:

column_str_exc_name = [ “LEVEL” ];
column_str_exc_val = [ “TD” ];

column_str_exc_name = [];
column_str_exc_val  = []; init_thresh_name, init_thresh_val

Just like the column_thresh options above, but apply the threshold only when lead = 0. If lead = 0 value does not meet the threshold, discard the entire track. May add using the “-init_thresh name thresh” job command options.

For example:

init_thresh_name = [ “ADLAND” ];
init_thresh_val = [ >200 ];

init_thresh_name = [];
init_thresh_val  = []; init_str_name, init_str_val

Just like the column_str options above, but apply the string matching only when lead = 0. If lead = 0 string does not match, discard the entire track. May add using the “-init_str name thresh” job command options.

For example:

init_str_name = [ “LEVEL” ];
init_str_val = [ “HU” ];

init_str_name = [];
init_str_val  = []; init_str_exc_name and _exc_val

Just like the column_str_exc options above, but apply the string matching only when lead = 0. If lead = 0 string does match, discard the entire track. May add using the “-init_str_exc name thresh” job command options.

For example:

init_str_exc_name = [ “LEVEL” ];
init_str_exc_val = [ “HU” ];

init_str_exc_name = [];
init_str_exc_val  = []; water_only

Stratify by the ADECK and BDECK distances to land. Once either the ADECK or BDECK track encounters land, discard the remainder of the track.

For example:

water_only = FALSE;

water_only = FALSE; rirw

Specify whether only those track points for which rapid intensification or weakening of the maximum wind speed occurred in the previous time step should be retained.

The NHC considers a 24-hour change >=30 kts to constitute rapid intensification or weakening.

May modify using the following job command options:

“-rirw_time” for both or “-rirw_time_adeck” and “-rirw_time_bdeck”
“-rirw_exact” for both or “-rirw_exact_adeck” and “-rirw_exact_bdeck”
“-rirw_thresh” for both or “-rirw_thresh_adeck” and “-rirw_thresh_bdeck”

rirw = {
   track  = NONE;       Specify which track types to search (NONE, ADECK,
                        BDECK, or BOTH)
   adeck = {
      time   = "24";    Rapid intensification/weakening time period in HHMMSS
      exact  = TRUE;    Use the exact or maximum intensity difference over the
                        time period.
      thresh = >=30.0;  Threshold for the intensity change.
   bdeck = adeck;       Copy settings to the BDECK or specify different logic.
} landfall beg end

Specify whether only those track points occurring near landfall should be retained, and define the landfall retention window as a time string in HH[MMSS] format (or as an integer number of seconds) offset from the landfall time. Landfall is defined as the last BDECK track point before the distance to land switches from positive to 0 or negative.

May modify using the “-landfall_window” job command option, which automatically sets -landfall to TRUE.

The “-landfall_window” job command option takes 1 or 2 arguments in HH[MMSS] format. Use 1 argument to define a symmetric time window. For example, “-landfall_window 06” defines the time window +/- 6 hours around the landfall time. Use 2 arguments to define an asymmetric time window. For example, “-landfall_window 00 12” defines the time window from the landfall event to 12 hours after.

For example:

landfall = FALSE;
landfall_beg = “-24”; (24 hours prior to landfall)
landfall_end = “00”;

landfall     = FALSE;
landfall_beg = "-24";
landfall_end = "00"; event_equal

Specify whether only those cases common to all models in the dataset should be retained. May modify using the “-event_equal” job command option.

For example:

event_equal = FALSE;

event_equal = FALSE; event_equal_lead

Specify lead times that must be present for a track to be included in the event equalization logic.

event_equal_lead = [ "12", "24", "36" ]; out_int_mask

Apply polyline masking logic to the location of the ADECK track at the initialization time. If it falls outside the mask, discard the entire track. May modify using the “-out_init_mask” job command option.

For example:

out_init_mask = “”;

out_init_mask = ""; out_valid_mask

Apply polyline masking logic to the location of the ADECK track at the valid time. If it falls outside the mask, discard only the current track point. May modify using the “-out_valid_mask” job command option.

For example:

out_valid_mask = “”;

out_valid_mask = ""; job

The “jobs” entry is an array of TCStat jobs to be performed. Each element in the array contains the specifications for a single analysis job to be performed. The format for an analysis job is as follows:

-job job_name

Where “job_name” is set to one of the following:

  • “filter”

    To filter out the TCST lines matching the job filtering criteria specified above and using the optional arguments below. The output TCST lines are written to the file specified using the “-dump_row” argument.

    Required Args: -dump_row

    To further refine the TCST data: Each optional argument may be used in the job specification multiple times unless otherwise indicated. When multiple optional arguments of the same type are indicated, the analysis will be performed over their union.

    "-amodel            name"
    "-bmodel            name"
    "-lead        HHMMSS"
    "-valid_beg   YYYYMMDD[_HH[MMSS]]" (use once)
    "-valid_end   YYYYMMDD[_HH[MMSS]]" (use once)
    "-valid_inc   YYYYMMDD[_HH[MMSS]]" (use once)
    "-valid_exc   YYYYMMDD[_HH[MMSS]]" (use once)
    "-init_beg    YYYYMMDD[_HH[MMSS]]" (use once)
    "-init_end    YYYYMMDD[_HH[MMSS]]" (use once)
    "-init_inc    YYYYMMDD[_HH[MMSS]]" (use once)
    "-init_exc    YYYYMMDD[_HH[MMSS]]" (use once)
    "-init_hour   HH[MMSS]"
    "-valid_hour  HH[MMSS]
    "-init_mask          name"
    "-valid_mask         name"
    "-line_type          name"
    "-track_watch_warn   name"
    "-column_thresh      name thresh"
    "-column_str         name string"
    "-column_str_exc     name string"
    "-init_thresh        name thresh"
    "-init_str           name string"
    "-init_str_exc       name string"

    Additional filtering options that may be used only when -line_type has been listed only once. These options take two arguments: the name of the data column to be used and the min, max, or exact value for that column. If multiple column eq/min/max/str options are listed, the job will be performed on their intersection:

    "-column_min     col_name value" For example: -column_min TK_ERR 100.00
    "-column_max     col_name value"
    "-column_eq      col_name value"
    "-column_str     col_name string" separate multiple filtering strings
                                      with commas
    "-column_str_exc col_name string" separate multiple filtering strings
                                      with commas

    Required Args: -dump_row

  • “summary”

    To compute the mean, standard deviation, and percentiles (0th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, and 100th) for the statistic specified using the “-line_type” and “-column” arguments. For TCStat, the “-column” argument may be set to:

    • TRACK for track, along-track, and cross-track errors.

    • WIND for all wind radius errors.

    • TI for track and maximum wind intensity errors.

    • AC for along-track and cross-track errors.

    • XY for x-track and y-track errors.

    • “col” for a specific column name.

    • “col1-col2” for a difference of two columns.

    • “ABS(col or col1-col2)” for the absolute value.

    Use the -column_union TRUE/FALSE job command option to compute summary statistics across the union of input columns rather than processing them separately.

    Required Args: -line_type, -column

    Optional Args:

    -by column_name to specify case information
    -out_alpha to override default alpha value
    -column_union to summarize multiple columns
  • “rirw”

    To define rapid intensification/weakening contingency table using the ADECK and BDECK RI/RW settings and the matching time window and output contingency table counts and statistics.

    Optional Args:

    -rirw_window width in HH[MMSS] format to define a symmetric time window
    -rirw_window beg end in HH[MMSS] format to define an asymmetric time window
     Default search time window is 0 0, requiring exact match
    -rirw_time or -rirw_time_adeck and -rirw_time_bdeck to override defaults
    -rirw_exact or -rirw_exact_adeck and -rirw_exact_bdeck to override defaults
    -rirw_thresh or -rirw_thresh_adeck and -rirw_thresh_bdeck to override
    -by column_name to specify case information
    -out_alpha to override default alpha value
    -out_line_type to specify output line types (CTC, CTS, and MPR)

    Note that the “-dump_row path” option results in 4 files being created:

path_FY_OY.tcst, path_FY_ON.tcst, path_FN_OY.tcst, and
path_FN_ON.tcst, containing the TCST lines that were hits, false
alarms, misses, and correct negatives, respectively. These files
may be used as input for additional TC-Stat analysis.

  • “probrirw”

    To define an Nx2 probabilistic contingency table by reading the PROBRIRW line type, binning the forecast probabilities, and writing output probabilistic counts and statistics.

    Required Args:

    -probrirw_thresh to define the forecast probabilities to be
       evaluated (For example: -probrirw_thresh 30)

    Optional Args:

    -probrirw_exact TRUE/FALSE to verify against the exact (for example:
       BDELTA column) or maximum (for example: BDELTA_MAX column) intensity
       change in the BEST track
    -probrirw_bdelta_thresh to define BEST track change event
       threshold (For example: -probrirw_bdelta_thresh >=30)
    -probrirw_prob_thresh to define output probability thresholds
       (for example: -probrirw_prob_thresh ==0.1)
    -by column_name to specify case information
    -out_alpha to override default alpha value
    -out_line_type to specify output line types (PCT, PSTD, PRC, and PJC)

    For the PROBRIRW line type, PROBRIRW_PROB is a derived column name. For example, the following options select 30 kt probabilities and match probability values greater than 0:

-probrirw_thresh 30 -column_thresh PROBRIRW_PROB >0

For example:

jobs = [
“-job filter -amodel AHW4 -dumprow ./tc_filter_job.tcst”,
“-job filter -column_min TK_ERR 100.000
-dumprow ./tc_filter_job.tcst”,
“-job summary -line_type TCMPR -column AC
-dumprow ./tc_summary_job.tcst”,
“-job rirw -amodel AHW4 -dump_row ./tc_rirw_job” ]

jobs = [];

6.2.3. TCGenConfig_default init_freq

Model initialization frequency in hours, starting at 0.

init_freq = 6; lead_window

Lead times in hours to be searched for genesis events.

lead_window = {
   beg = 24;
   end = 120;
} min_duration

Minimum track duration for genesis event in hours.

min_duration = 12; fcst_genesis

Forecast genesis event criteria. Defined as tracks reaching the specified intensity category, maximum wind speed threshold, and minimum sea-level pressure threshold. The forecast genesis time is the valid time of the first track point where all of these criteria are met.

fcst_genesis = {
   vmax_thresh = NA;
   mslp_thresh = NA;
} best_genesis

BEST track genesis event criteria. Defined as tracks reaching the specified intensity category, maximum wind speed threshold, and minimum sea-level pressure threshold. The BEST track genesis time is the valid time of the first track point where all of these criteria are met.

best_genesis = {
   technique   = "BEST";
   category    = [ "TD", "TS" ];
   vmax_thresh = NA;
   mslp_thresh = NA;
} oper_genesis

Operational track genesis event criteria. Defined as tracks reaching the specified intensity category, maximum wind speed threshold, and minimum sea-level pressure threshold. The operational track genesis time is valid time of the first track point where all of these criteria are met.

oper_genesis = {
   technique   = "CARQ";
   category    = [ "DB", "LO", "WV" ];
   vmax_thresh = NA;
   mslp_thresh = NA;
} filter

Filter is an array of dictionaries containing the track filtering options listed below. If empty, a single filter is defined using the top-level settings.

filter = []; desc

Description written to output DESC column

desc = "NA"; model

Forecast ATCF ID’s If empty, all ATCF ID’s found will be processed. Statistics will be generated separately for each ATCF ID.

model = []; init_beg, init_end

Forecast and operational initialization time window, as strings in YYYYMMDD[_HH[MMSS]] format

init_beg = "";
init_end = ""; valid_beg, valid_end

Forecast, BEST, and operational valid time window, as strings in YYYYMMDD[_HH[MMSS]] format

valid_beg = "";
valid_end = ""; lead

Forecast and operational lead times, as strings in HH[MMSS] format

lead = []; vx_mask

Spatial masking region (path to gridded data file or polyline file)

vx_mask = ""; dland_thresh

Distance to land threshold

dland_thresh = NA; genesis_window

Genesis matching time window, in hours relative to the forecast genesis time

genesis_window = {
   beg = -24;
   end =  24;
} genesis_radius

Genesis matching search radius in km.

genesis_radius = 300; ci_alpha

Confidence interval alpha value

ci_alpha = 0.05; output_flag

Statistical output types

output_flag = {
   fho    = NONE;
   ctc    = BOTH;
   cts    = BOTH;
   pct    = NONE;
   pstd   = NONE;
   pjc    = NONE;
   prc    = NONE;
   genmpr = NONE;